Lead. Learn. Change.

Borborygmi - Part 1

Episode Summary

Deconstructing Education – Part 1 – the first of two episodes where Borborygmi: Food for Thought podcast hosts Vamsi Reddy and Akul Munjal and Lead. Learn. Change. podcast host David W. Reynolds discuss the educational system in America and touch on David’s experiences as a teacher and administrator.

Episode Notes

How has coronavirus affected education? (3:17)

A shift to virtual learning platforms (4:00)

Teachers are still approaching their work with professionalism and a focus on student learning (6:00)

A potential new understanding of, and appreciation for, what teachers do (6:55)

Will higher ed make adjustments in learning as a result of COVID-19? (8:40)

Immersion in content alongside practitioners (11:05) 

Technology is more than digital (12:00)

Communicate to learn (13:00)

Technology based decisions must be made in service of who is being served and what needs to be accomplished (13:30)

I quit teaching after one year in the classroom (15:10)

Connections between education and work in other sectors (16:35)

Learning opportunities exist in virtually every situation (17:30)

Each student’s potential to learn is not determined by what they know now (18:30)

How has the U.S. educational model changed since the 1980s? Many options for one’s education (19:10) 

Jamie Vollmer - Schools Cannot Do It Alone (20:30)

The increasing scope of responsibilities connected to public schools (21:20)

The chalkboard. A relic? (21:30)

Notes to students - before texting, email and access to photocopiers (23:10)

Public schools or private schools - which is best? (24:45)

Public school - opportunity, authenticity, and diversity (25:30)

Teachers as the heart of the school (27:00)

Preparing for students for whatever next is the key to gauging school effectiveness (27:45)

Public schools as a foundation of our nation’s government and culture (28:30)

Innovation, creativity, and ingenuity (29:15)

Predictive tests (standardized tests) and their inappropriate place of prominence as evaluative tools (30:00)

The sum total of one’s learning (30:50)

What you know, understand, and are able to do (32:00)

Kindergarten as an example of the need for a more authentic process to gauge student progress (33:00)

Test scores or recommendations about work ethic, understanding, initiative, as components of admission requirements (35:30)

SAT and/or ACT - vital? (37:00)

Indicators of a great school (37:30)

Standardized testing and “the practice of”  - finding the balance (38:00)

The inadequacies of a limited bank of test items (41:00)

Engaging with a true practitioner and with emerging mentors (42:45)

Relationships must be a big part of doing one’s work well (45:15)

MCG link: https://www.augusta.edu/mcg/

Borborygmi: Food for Thought podcast link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/borborygmi-food-for-thought/id1507529435

Professional Association of Georgia Educators:  www.pageinc.org

David’s Linkedin page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-w-reynolds-5a5b0a36/

Music for Lead. Learn. Change. is Sweet Adrenaline by Delicate Beats

Podcast cover art for Lead. Learn. Change. is a view from Brunnkogel (mountaintop) over the mountains of the Salzkammergut in Austria, courtesy of photographer Simon Berger, published on www.unsplash.com.