Lead. Learn. Change.

ROI - Narnia

Episode Summary

In this, the inaugural episode of a new series inside the Lead. Learn. Change. podcast, host David Reynolds describes a new way to view the concept of ROI. These short episodes will highlight lessons learned from observation, reflection and experiences and will be peppered into the Lead. Learn. Change. podcast schedule, with the focus of Lead. Learn. Change remaining on guests who share their insights and stories about how they approach life and work and capitalize on their interactions with others.

Episode Notes

Introduction, ROI background and  explanation

The Narnia story

Lessons learned

Invitation to subscribe, tell others, and share your own story


Podcast cover art for Lead. Learn. Change. is a view from Brunnkogel (mountaintop) over the mountains of the Salzkammergut in Austria, courtesy of photographer Simon Berger, published on www.unsplash.com.